facebook-tracking-pixelIRCA | Brioche-Veneziane-Colombine (Pandora)


PANDORA g 1.000
eggs g 100
fresh yeast g 50
water g 300-350


KNEADING: knead until a smooth, velvety consistency is obtained, roll up and leave to rest at room temperature for 20 minutes. METHOD: squeeze the dough, roll it up and leave to rest for 15 minutes. Roll it out, cut into pieces of the desired weight, shape in the desired way and place on baking sheets.LEAVENING: leave in a rising room at 28-30°C with relative humidity of about 80% for 60-80 minutes. It is advisable to move on to the decoration and baking before the leavening has reached its maximum.DECORATION AND BAKING: the decoration should be carried immediately prior to baking. The 'brioches' can be simply glazed with beaten egg, the 'veneziane' should be covered withicing (BRIO BIG or MANDORGLASS QUICK) and have granulated sugar sprinkled on top of them. The 'colombine' should be glazed with a water/sugar syrup, thickened with a little flour and then dusted with caster and icing sugar. Bake at 180-190°C for about 20 minutes.


eggs To Taste
pearl sugar To Taste
confectioner's sugar To Taste
caster sugar To Taste


BRIOBIG g 1000
egg whites g 600-650


caster sugar g 400
water g 200
all-purpose flour To Taste